In one of the previous articles, we touched on the issue of a personal. Meeting with a foreigner and talked about where and how, Love in our opinion. The First meeting With a Woman should take place The question of behavior and manners to behave with a foreign man during. The first personal meeting remained untouched. The reason why we touch on this topic lies in the differences in. The mentality of European men and Slavic women, and the presence in Eastern European society of stereotypes. Unspoken “rules of conduct” that may be suitable for communicating with Slavic men. But do not work when first meeting with a woman a European.
It is no secret that it can be difficult for men and women from different countries to understand each other. We have already talked about this more than once on the pages of our blog. Misunderstanding can arise not only during the exchange of letters, but also at the first personal meeting.
One of the most common mistakes is the “assignment” of the Slavic man’s mode of action to the European. In other words: I want to meet a European. But I behave with him the way I would behave with a Russian man. And I expect the reactions and behavior of a Russian man from him.
Difficult for Men and Women
Many women are used to the fact that a man in a Relationship must act as a conqueror. Must certainly take the initiative, and therefore hide their interest in getting to know and relating to him behind apparent indifference. For Europeans, the relationship between a man and a woman does not consist of secret signals. Hints, unspoken desires and expectations. If a man has made a “step”, he expects that, if the lady is interested in a relationship with him, she will answer triptogether review him and answer not with a riddle, not with a non-verbal signal, but in such a way that he understands her.
In dealing with Slavic women, European men take some of the “nuances” literally. For example, they will perceive the taciturnity, arrogance and coldness of a lady not as a signal to start an aggressive operation, but as a literal lack of interest on the part of the lady. The natural triptogether reaction of a European will be the thought that the lady did not like him, but she does not want to offend him and does not say this directly. The consequence of this will be the absence of attempts to win the favor of a woman. After all, if she is cold with me, if she emphasizes her disinterest, why will I impose on her? The woman, in turn, will wait for the foreigner to try to get closer and wonder why he leaves her “signals” without due attention.
Don’t get us wrong
you don’t need to hang yourself around a man’s neck at the first meeting. We are talking about friendliness, a warm smile, open and cordial communication. Many Slavic first meeting with a woman and man, withdraw into themselves, begin to play the role of a cold lady who needs to be conquered in some way. Until you are sure of your feelings, communicate with a man as a good friend, but do not build a wall of alienation.
European men are sure that in a woman from Eastern Europe they will meet not only the ideal of femininity, natural beauty, but also the warmth of the soul, openness, friendliness, disinterestedness and understanding.
Another circumstance regarding communication during the first personal meeting: remember that a foreigner is in a foreign country, he came to a woman whom he sees in real life for the first time in his life, and to some extent depends on her. It is quite natural that in the first hours, and maybe days, he may experience discomfort and uncertainty. Coldness and silence on the part of the lady will only exacerbate these feelings. If you are interested in a relationship with this man, help him feel comfortable with you. Having received a cold reception, he can easily give the wrong impression, which will not be easy to change.
We are well aware that the responsibility for the success of relationships and acquaintances lies equally with a man and a woman. Not only a woman should understand the
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Mentality of a foreign man and, in accordance with this knowledge. Correct her behavior, but men should also try to understand the character of a Slavic woman. Due to the fact that this blog is intended only for women who want to meet and create relationships with a foreign man. We give advice specifically to women in order to explain their mistakes and, possibly. Help them achieve their goal of personal happiness with a foreign man. Your success in dealing with a foreigner is our goal! Mistakes made by men, we also discuss in detail in the blog for men